Update: Heart2Heart is not currently being offered.
A new safe and secure online community to provide education, support and connection for teen and tween girls.
Sign up now to be part of this amazing online community!
This is a very affordable membership site so only girls who register and pay the annual member fee of $30 can join. The content on this site will be provided by Dr. Tim and Anne Jordan and monitored by them as well.
Why should my daughter join this membership?
[vision_one_third][vision_service icon=” fa-users” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Join other like-minded girls who want a safe place to chat, ask questions, get support, feel connected and talk about real issues affecting her. [/vision_service] [/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_service icon=”fa-heart” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Have connections with girls outside of school. [/vision_service][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_service icon=”fa-comments” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Get support from Dr. Tim Jordan, a leading expert on girls who understands the challenges girls face today. [/vision_service][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_service icon=”fa-wrench” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Provide her with the tools to handle conflicts and drama, trust her intuition, build deeper friendships, and cope with the normal ups and downs of life. [/vision_service] [/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_service icon=” fa-thumbs-up” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Calmer daughter, calmer family. [/vision_service][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_service icon=”fa-user” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Real life connections, real life support. [/vision_service][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_half] [vision_service icon=”fa-bullhorn” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] A place for girls to submit essays, poems, and stories that pertain to their age level. [/vision_service][/vision_one_half]
[vision_one_half] [vision_service icon=” fa-rocket” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] If your daughter has attended one of our retreats or summer camps, this will provide a new resource for follow up and continued growth and learning between camps. [/vision_service][/vision_one_half]
What will she receive in the Heart 2 Heart community membership?
[vision_feature icon=”fa-heart” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]
5 Minute Wisdom: weekly fun, informative videos that will use fun stories and real life stories from girls to help you learn how to navigate the challenges of the teen years. Videos can be watched on any device once they are logged into the Heart2Heart website.
[vision_one_half][vision_feature icon=”fa-heart” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]
A Safe Place To Be Heard: learn, gain awareness, learn skills, connect with peers, and learn from each other
[vision_feature icon=”fa-heart” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Connection/ Community: a safe place to ask questions, ask about other girl’s experiences, give each other feedback and advice, and receive advice from Dr. Jordan as well
[vision_feature icon=”fa-heart” icon_color=”#b60f32″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#b60f32″ border_color=”#b60f32″ border_width=”2px” animate=”in_from_center” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]
Personal Awareness: What makes you tick? What are you feeling? What is causing you to feel anxious, blah, overwhelmed at times? What is the right decision for me?
What will the 5 minute wisdom video topics include?
The following topics and skills and more will be covered:
[vision_one_third] [vision_icon style=”icon-caution” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Coping with everyday stresses and pressures [/vision_icon] [/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_icon style=”icon-user-group” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Dealing with friendship issues[/vision_icon] [/vision_one_third]
[vision_icon style=”icon-heart” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Creating healthy dating relationships [/vision_icon]
[vision_one_third][vision_icon style=”icon-refresh” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Trusting your intuition to make important life decisions[/vision_icon][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_icon style=”icon-checklist” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Calming down about college: applications, choosing[/vision_icon][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_icon style=”icon-chat” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Redirecting negative self-talk[/vision_icon][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third] [vision_icon style=”icon-star” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Dealing with body image issues[/vision_icon][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_icon style=”icon-checkmark” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Mindfulness/ self-quieting skills[/vision_icon] [/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_icon style=”icon-magnify” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Letting go of negative beliefs about yourself before you leave for college[/vision_icon] [/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third] [vision_icon style=”icon-shield-blue” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Sensuality and sexuality[/vision_icon][/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third] [/vision_one_third]
[vision_one_third][vision_icon style=”icon-support” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Prevent and express overwhelming emotions[/vision_icon] [/vision_one_third]
Watch one of the many 5 Minute Wisdom videos here:
Learn more about Dr. Tim & Why he can help
Dr. Tim Jordan is the leading expert on parenting girls and helping them navigate through their normal developmental transformations, allowing them to emerge as strong, happy and fulfilled women. A Developmental and Behavioral pediatrician, International Speaker and Author, Dr. Tim demystifies the behavior of tween and adolescent girls to help parents build closer relationships with their daughters based on trust and understanding rather than parent out of fear.
He has more than 30 years experience working with girls of all ages through his priv
ate counseling practice, support groups, his summer camp and his Strong Girls, Strong World school programs. Dr. Tim trained with the renowned Dr. T. Berry Brazelton at Harvard Medical School, where he developed his proven methods. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Webster University in St. Louis and as a local and national media consultant.
Dr. Tim and his wife, Anne, have raised three children, Kelly, TJ and John, which they consider their most important work.
What others are saying about Dr. Tim….
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[vision_vector icon=”fa-quote-left” size=”fa-3x” border=”false” color=”#b60f32″ url=”” target=”_self” pull=”” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Dr. Jordan is one of my go to sources for parenting help and insights. His approach to speaking with and listening to girls open up is a beautiful inside peek into what girls need, and want. I learn how to really speak and listen to my girls in each stage of their lives because of his work. I’m in gratitude for his wisdom. Thank you for doing what you do. ~ Nikki Valenti
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[vision_vector icon=”fa-quote-left” size=”fa-3x” border=”false” color=”#b60f32″ url=”” target=”_self” pull=”” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Dr. Jordan has a way of spotlighting hot topics that all parents want to know about. His many years of practice, wisdom, and discernment have enabled him to draw out various topics, big or small, from young girls and teens alike. Dr. Jordan truly has a gift and he’s phenomenal at what he does. ~ Jennifer Mason
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[vision_vector icon=”fa-quote-left” size=”fa-3x” border=”false” color=”#b60f32″ url=”” target=”_self” pull=”” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] As the father of a daughter I often turn to Dr. Tim for wisdom and inspiration on how to better to communicate with my daughter in preparing her to beco
me more independent and to follow her inner voice. ~ John Strubberg
[vision_divider style=”hr-solid” color=”#b60f32″]
[vision_vector icon=”fa-quote-left” size=”fa-3x” border=”false” color=”#b60f32″ url=”” target=”_self” pull=”” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] As a publication for young women encouraging their authentic and positive voices to be heard, Metiza Magazine is proud to feature the wisdom of Dr. Tim Jordan. His insight has given our readers food for thought, positive affirmation and tools to help them succeed in today’s world
. – Paige Bird, Managing Director, Editor in Chief of Metiza Magazine.
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[vision_vector icon=”fa-quote-left” size=”fa-3x” border=”false” color=”#b60f32″ url=”” target=”_self” pull=”” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Tim Jordan’s knowledge of important developmental milestones sheds an empowering light on the joy of family and the process of growing up in the world. He’s created an amazing resource for parents to help their daughters cross the thresholds of growing up with confidence, clarity, and ease. ~ Morgan Osmani, psychotherapist, yoga, and meditation instructor
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