This package is for parents in those early years when girls are growing between the ages of 5 and 10 years of age. These 6 videos will help you get your family on track and running smoothly during these busy years. And since friendships are such a big part of these years, we have included two videos to help you support your daughter as she navigates friendship challenges in these grade school years.
You will be able to easily download these videos and view over again as needed.
In addition, you will receive 2 hard copies of the invaluable books authored by Dr. Jordan.
Food Fights and Bedtime Battles: Negotiating Daily Power Struggles
Keeping Your Family Grounded When You're Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
The six videos will include the following topics:
- A new and effective discipline mantra
- How to run effective family meetings
- Ways to handle sibling rivalry that work
- How to prevent and redirect power struggles
- Supporting girls friendships - part 1
- Supporting girls friendships - part 1
Package cost: ONLY $49.00
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