Blue’s Clues Creator Angela Santomero Discusses How To Follow Life’s Clues To Find Happiness

RADA | Life's Clues


There are tons of life’s clues scattered along your journey that reveal the way towards achieving happiness. And sometimes, they are found not in the adult’s way of life but in the simple stories of children. Tim Jordan, MD chats with Angela Santomero, co-creator of the show Blue’s Clues, who shares how adults can learn from observing and gathering clues from the lives of children. She explains how writing for kids for many years taught her about the importance of taking short pauses and how to avoid becoming shadow artists. Angela also explains the right approach to self-care as an adult and what can be learned from children in this regard.

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Blue’s Clues Creator Angela Santomero Discusses How To Follow Life’s Clues To Find Happiness

I’m back here with a brand-new episode. Thanks so much for stopping by to read these episodes that have to do with raising daughters, raising girls, and working with girls. As you all know, I’m a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician who has worked with girls for a long time, over 30 years in my counseling practice, retreats, and summer camps. I have a school program.

My wife and I sat in 2 classrooms, 1 with third-grade girls, and 1 with fourth-grade girls. I get a chance to listen to what’s going on for them. Sometimes, I have more and more authors, and I decided to invite an author because she wrote a new book. She has an interesting life story. Her name is Angela Santomero. She’s the Co-Creator of Blue’s Clues and she’s the Creator of the Super Why! show, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Creative Galaxy, and Wishenpoof, which is amazing.

I mentioned this to my high school group and they’re like, “She’s Blue’s Clues.” They got all excited and jacked up because they had watched that when they were growing up. I did not and my kids are in their middle 30s and above, so I missed this generation of shows. She has an interesting story and she and her book is also very interesting. I want to invite her on. Angela, thanks so much for coming on to the show.

Thank you. I’m raising daughters, too, so I’m very interested in all that you have to say.

One of the ways I connect with you is your deep love and respect for children. It shines through in everything that you do. I’m happy to have you on the show. I work with lots of young women who are your daughters’ ages, high school, and middle school, and they’re so freaked out. They’re talking about this in my support group about how they’re so afraid of growing up and feeling so anxious and uncertain about their futures. They’re so all over the place with it.


RADA | Life's Clues


I tell them they should interview every adult they bump into and ask them their story because they believe that here they are at age 18, 17, and 22, they feel like they should have their whole life figured out. They should have it all planned out. I tell them, “That’s not how life works.” Tell us how your life has worked and how you got to where you are as a creator of Blue’s Clues, amongst other shows.

Thank you. I love that. That’s great advice because I do think that sharing stories and realizing that life does not have a straight line is great for everyone to hear. I always talk about how I got into media through the back door. My story is not in that direct line. I have a Psychology background and a background in Child Development. I have my Master’s. I was interested in how kids learn from TV. I come from a family of teachers and so I have a respect for education. I love little ones. I was a babysitter forever and always around kids. I have a little brother who was born when I was fourteen. I was always around kids and think they’re so brilliant.

I started to understand. I was a kid who watched Mr. Rogers religiously. I love Mr. Rogers. I had always thought it was interesting to see how you can make that connection and how you can educate through media. I started working at Nickelodeon in their research department. From there, I started to continue to work with producers as they were creating their own shows and writing. I would give feedback and notes.

At one point, I read The Artist’s Way. That is how I like to tell it. I dove in to try it. That’s the other thing. It’s so hard to try things and fail, but as we know, that’s part of the process and part of finding what you love and finding how to continue to persist through something. That’s what I did. For years, I threw myself into what it could be and what kinds of things I would love to do. I fell in love with the idea of writing something and getting it out there with a research-backed psychology background and having a curriculum so I can feel good about what kids are learning from the shows I write and create.

[bctt tweet=”Kids try so hard and fail. But it is part of the process of finding what you love and how to persist through something.” via=”no”]

There’s a story in your book, Life’s Clues, about how you were sitting in a meeting in your early twenties amongst all these producers. I guess it was Nickelodeon. They were talking. You tell the story about how you found your life’s purpose that day.

Many of those stories of sitting in a room and still feeling like the kid because all I do is represent kids. You’re around all these business people or the business of television and what is going on. I stayed true to who I am and talked about the kids and what happens if we look at a kid’s point of view. What is interesting to them? What about when they play?

It was silence. It’s like you cut through the whole trying to find the next big thing and the business and I was cutting right to the core of like, “Why?” That’s also a big thing that I talk about even now. “Why do we need to do something in this show? Why now?” It does bring you back down to that purpose. For me, I love the idea that I can advocate for kids and be their voice in a room full of adults.

You also mentioned in your book that when you were in high school, you wrote a paper about Mr. Rogers. Tell us about that story and the connection with what you’re doing.

I’m a little bit of a stalker. I was that little kid who could not sit any closer to the TV when Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood was on. I talked to him, I talked with him. I wrote about this. My household was Italian, loud, crazy household. He was calming and had this way of talking about important things that I was interested in.

As I got older and we had to write about a mentor, somebody who was influential, I did my research on Fred and realized that he has a Master’s in Child Development, that he had a vision and a point of view about what he wanted to say and why he said it. I was like, “That’s it. That’s what I want to do.” Not necessarily the way that he did it in front of the camera, although he was also pretty shy and didn’t necessarily get in front of the camera right away. Meeting him and telling him my story and what I was trying to do in terms of modeling what was so influential about his show and using psychology and child development in the writing, we became friends after I was able to meet him and tell him about that, which was a dream.

Years ago, I read this book, Mr. Roger’s biography. I loved it. When I read your book and some of your stories, I was thinking there were a lot of parallels in your backgrounds.

There are some parallels that are coincidental, but yes. I’m a very big fan.

I got to ask this question and people reading, I apologize for this, but in my high school group, when I told them I was going to interview you, were all jacked up going, “Blue’s Clues and Daniel Tiger,” and all that, the first thing they said to me was, “Ask her what happened to Steve.” I don’t know anything about Steve. I’m like, “What?” They’re like, “Steve. They replaced him with his younger brother or something.” I’m like, “I’ll ask her.” Please, briefly, for the sake of my high school group, explain what happened to Steve.

People would constantly say that there was this rumor back in the day that Steve died, which was awful. I went on this press circuit to talk to The Today Show and everybody about how he did not die and what this is. What happens when a show gets so big and successful and older people start these rumors? That was a big thing at the time. I had to answer that question still a lot. He’s a perfectly healthy, fine, amazing person. He was 21 when we found him. It was his first thing and he wanted to be in the music business and we wanted to support him.

He ended up traveling with a music group and he put out an album. He has a song that is the theme song for Young Sheldon. He’s very well-versed in this industry. We wanted to help. He helped us find his replacement, which is Donovan. We call him Joe, his little brother. He helped us do that. When we revived the show, he also came on to help with casting, writing, and directing. He’s part of the family. He’ll forever be part of the family. He didn’t go anywhere. He’s on TikTok. Everyone could find him. He’s still very cool.

Thank you for clearing that up from my high school group and others out there who have been wondering, perhaps. I want to move on to your new book in a moment. I want to ask you first, you said you spent a lot of time with Mr. Rogers. He was a big influence. I’m curious about what are the main lessons you learned from him that you then have applied to your shows.

There are so many things. One is the vision, the point of view. We have a very specific voice. When you’re writing something, we put what we want kids to take away from it. What we do is to make sure that happens. We have a research department that takes everything out to make sure that the goal that we set is what’s coming out in the script. That purposeful media is something that I think we both have in common.

Also, he has strong formal features. Every single thing that he ever did on his show was intentional and an intentional point of view. There’s the trolley on his original show. That trolley would take you from the reality of his set into the land of make-believe, the neighborhood of Make Believe so that you could follow that transition into this is going to be something that’s more play.

There are so many little things we do. In Blue’s Clues, we do a Skidoo, which is in his real world. He does this dance. The transition of him going into something that’s more imaginary is something similar. You’re handholding the kids. He also has a specific way of editing. That was fascinating. You never want to leave kids confused about what’s happening because we’re talking to little ones. That was another thing we learned.

When Blue’s Clues started, I would constantly talk about the influence of Mr. Rogers, talking to the camera. He was the person who did that and did it so well and so effortlessly that kids would feel that he was your friend. I got to promote his legacy right after he died, which was heartbreaking for everyone. His company said, “What would you do to promote his legacy? He didn’t like much of what was on television for kids, but he liked your show. He respected you and your show. What would you do?”

It was one of my favorite moments of all time. It took me forever to think about it. I knew what I would do and I knew what I wouldn’t do. I would not cast a new Mr. Rogers because he was one of a kind. He was born an outcast. I knew I wanted to do an animated version and use my favorite character, Daniel Tiger, as a preschooler. We were able to promote his legacy. It all came full circle in terms of being influenced then to help carry that on with Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

By the way, my five-year-old grandson loves Daniel Tiger.

There’s so much love in that show.

I’m wondering, you’ve been in this business for over twenty years, is that right?


You learned a lot from Mr. Rogers. I’m wondering. I’ve been working with kids for so long and I don’t think kids are that different than they were 10, 20, 30, 50, or whatever. I think kids are kids. The context around has changed. Parenting has changed and all. You’ve taken Mr. Rogers’ philosophy, his vision you said, but I’m sure you have shifted along the way to meet the needs of the kids. Is that true or not true? If so, how?

I don’t think kids have changed socially and emotionally. Developmentally, they go through the same milestones that they’ve gone through forever, the way in which they view the world and the content and information that is at them is also different, and the way they are bombarded with information. This is what’s different. Even the way they can articulate what’s going on seems very sophisticated. The truth is, in my opinion, they don’t understand it emotionally in the same way you would think they would because they act older than we did potentially or they act more sophisticated. They’re around a lot of things, but at the same time, they’re still emotionally at that age. After COVID, we see that kids are three years behind in some ways in certain things about the world that you need to grow.

Our writing and the way we approach content are still the same. We approach everything through play because we know kids learn more through play than they do in any other capacity. Even as older people, we learn more by experimenting and experiencing than we do from lecturing. We do it in a very specific way. We make sure that we slow things down and go from A to B to C to D and don’t necessarily make so many cognitive leaps, even though we think kids can understand them. They probably can, but we still want them to have the time to experience whatever the story is that we’re telling.

My last year of fellowship training was in Boston with a behavioral pediatrician. His name is T. Berry Brazelton. You’re probably too young to know him.

I know Dr. Brazelton.

One of the things I learned from him and also there’s another man I met. He came to the Child Development Center while I was there. His name was Stanley Greenspan. He was a psychiatrist and he wrote a book whose title I can’t remember. I remember I learned so much about following kids’ lead, getting on the floor when you’re playing, and shutting up and listening and following their lead and allowing them to take charge. That’s probably one of those things that also goes through all of your work as well. Is that true?

A hundred percent. There’s so much we can learn from taking their lead. That’s the whole point of the book. It’s the idea that there’s so much we can learn from kids and how brilliant they are and their ability to process the world and how they look at it can help us as adults. It can help calm us down and it can help de-stress us. It helps experience joy and happiness in that same way. There’s a reason people say, “Out of the mouth of babes.” It’s getting right to the truth. Also, finding that time to immerse yourself in a situation versus doing twenty things at once. There are so many things that when we follow kids’ leads, we can take from that.

By the way, let’s talk for a few minutes about your book, if you want. Your new book is called Life Clues: Unlocking the Lessons to an Exceptional Life. First of all, I was curious about what motivated you to write the book.

It’s funny because, for 25-plus years, I’ve been writing for kids. I do a lot of strategies and little messages. That’s the purpose of everything that we write. Little things like in Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, when something seems bad, turn it around and find something good. There are so many things, like when you use your mind and take a step at a time, you can do anything you want to do.

What I found is that I’m talking to adults about these same things. I also love these stories of kids singing these strategies to their parents and teaching them how to calm themselves down when they’re mad. Take a deep breath and count to four. The idea that we can use everything that we learned from kids or even what we learned in research and child development about kids and development, we need to remember as adults. We don’t grow out of it. We grow into who we are. Remembering those core basics and understanding that is something that I talk about all the time and so I decided to write it down.

If you would talk a little bit more about sharing what you mean by paying attention to the clues. It’s a huge part of your book and of your life’s message.

I love the idea of using clues as a metaphor in general. We did it for Blue’s Clues with the idea that Blue leaves these clues. You can put them all together and you have to think about it. You have to sit in your thinking chair and you think about these clues. You can figure out what it is that she wants. It’s true for all of us and it’s definitely true for me. When we start noticing the things that bring us joy, we notice the universe leaving us these little clues, like looking up from our phones and stopping to notice what’s around us. It can lead you to your life purpose. For me, it was the idea that I did babysit all the time.

[bctt tweet=”When we start to notice the things that bring us joy, we notice the universe leaving us little clues. Stop for a while and look at them as they can lead you into your life purpose.” via=”no”]

Let’s say, for example, I was around kids forever. There were so many little things in my journey that were clues to putting them all together that led me to, “Listen. I’m going to try to write a show for kids,” even though that might have sounded a little crazy to my parents at the time. I love kids. I love psychology and understanding kids. I love TV and media and how influential it is. I love to teachers in a classroom. What does that look like when you can put it all together?

It happens with everything. When you’re struggling with a problem and you can notice what’s put in front of you, all of a sudden can give you, it can give you a hint as to what your purpose or intention is for that day. I love the stories that people come to me and tell me that when they followed their own clues, purpose, and joy that fulfilled them.

When I work with young people, I’ve said this in the show several times, so excuse me for repeating it. I have what I call my Dot Theory, which is those old connected dot drawings. It’s like, if that’s your life’s purpose, calling, career, whatever, I tell them, “When you look at the picture, you have no idea what it is. When you’re 14, 16, 18, or 22, you don’t need to know the final picture. All you need to do is be open to dots, experiences across your path that you feel drawn to because it seems like fun.”

It seems like the right thing. If you keep collecting dots over time, eventually, they connect for you and then a picture starts to emerge, like those clues start to emerge. That is more so how life works. Unfortunately, in this day and age, the educational system, parenting is so one line, one path set a goal, and go for it. I don’t think that’s how life works, though. Sometimes kids are missing clues because they’re so narrowly focused on doing the right thing and making money.


RADA | Life's Clues


When you get there, whatever it is, it’s like, “Now what?” My whole thing was getting into college, and then you get there and you’re like, “Why am I here again?” It’s like not asking the why or stopping to see what sparks the joy. This might not make sense that I worked at FAO Schwartz when I was in high school. It might not make sense right this second, but later on, it did start to make sense.

I talk about it as a Venn diagram because I love the bubbles. I’m going to use your connect the dots, but that bubbles of all the things, and then you start to see how they all start to form something. I love it when I do that with older kids who are like, “Everything I’m doing is all over here.” I was like, “What do you think a CEO does?” You need to know all that part. Now you can be the leader of your own thing. It’s fascinating to let that happen and unravel, but we don’t have that patience. That might be part of it.

There’s an expression I read in your book that I’m going to steal if it’s okay. You said, “Pauses have a lot of competition.” I thought that was an awesome deep thought. Talk about that. You mentioned it before about not being aware of inclusive. What do you mean by, “Pauses have a lot of competition?”

We can see it everywhere now. Not only are people uncomfortable with the pause and waiting, even in a conversation. Nobody wants a conversation to process, be quiet, and listen a little bit more, attentively listening. There are voices that are constantly jumping in, telling you what. If you don’t have the answers, they will tell you what to do. You need to stop and pause. For preschoolers, for little ones, and for what I did on Blue’s Clues, we did the idea that we paused on TV. No one had ever done that before, which felt a little crazy because it was such a simple little thing. When you wait that long, with little ones, they will tell you what they think if you wait long enough.

It’s the same thing for us as adults. When you wait long enough, even I call it add to cart, like that endorphin that you get when you’re about to purchase something or do something, it’s the same thing when you add it to the cart and that gives you a pause to think about whether or not it’s something you need or want. All of the social media that we’re on all of those things, it’s quick. There’s so much competition for the quiet space that we need to process things and think.

Also, to notice those clues, notice the opportunities across your path. We’re not mindful. I know people hate hearing that. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. If you’re not in the moment and taking things in, then people miss stuff.

K it’s because you think you’re purposefully needing to get from A to B. I have to get here. Whether I’m running late or not, I have to get here. You’re not realizing that the journey is part of it. There was a story in a book called The Ordinary is Extraordinary that I love. The author watched a mom pull her kid off the street sidewalk curb. They were balancing and playing on this curb and pulled to rush to get to gymnastics, where all she was doing was balancing and standing on a balanced bar. Sometimes It’s right there in front of you. You don’t necessarily need to fill every moment with structured activities.

There’s another thing I read in your book. If I ask a group of kindergarten kids, “How many of you are artists?” If there are 20 kids in the class, 20 hands go up in the air. If I ask a bunch of fourth graders, “How many of you artists?” Way less hands. If I ask high school kids, “How many of you artists?” There might be 1 or 2 hands and they look sheepish like, “Everybody’s dissuading me from the arts.”

I had one of the girls in my group talking. She’s a senior in high school and she’s an incredible artist. I’ve seen some of the things. She’ll sit at camp with any colors, whether water paints or whatever. You’re like, “I can’t believe you did that,” but people are dissuading her. Her parents are dissuading her. They wanted her to get a degree in Business and, “You can do some art on the side.” I see so many young people now who are being dissuaded from that. It’s so shortsighted. You mentioned it in the book. You call it they become shadow artists. I like that. Can you talk about that for a minute?

That was coined from Julia Cameron’s work in the vein of gold in The Artist’s Way, the idea that you’re around what you love as opposed to inside what you love. It’s like you’re sitting by the pool, but you’re not actually in the pool swimming. Noticing, again, that pause and that quiet. Noticing that everything you’ve done or what you’re doing is around the actual thing that you want to do.

As an artist, if you’ve always wanted to dive in and try it, maybe you decide to be more of a curator or you’re working in the arts but not necessarily creating. Taking that stock in yourself and realizing it, to take that chance and fail and continue to do it, we all do that. That’s another clue. What is it that you’re around and why?

I also think that a lot of adults in the educational system and a lot of parents had this sense of if your kid says, “I want to go into art,” they think, “You’re going to be on some street corner doing sketches of people’s faces or something and being a ‘bum,’” as opposed to staying way beyond that. I read a book years ago called A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink. He’s one of my favorite authors.

He talked about how there’s a different mindset and we’re going to need to be successful in the world now. He interviewed the CEO of Sony Electronics. The Sony Electronics CEO said, “Years ago, I used to only hire people with MBAs. I was looking for that kind of person. I’ve switched. Now, I’m looking for MFAs, Masters in Fine Arts, because my products are very similar to everybody else’s products. I need people who can evoke emotion, meaning, and feeling in our products. I’m looking for artists. I’m looking for writers. I’m looking for people who have that creative mindset.” We need to help their parents get beyond that sense of the starving artist thing.

It has so much to do with understanding it ourselves. A lot of times, that is all we’ve been taught. You’re a starving artist on the street doing caricatures, as opposed to all of everything that we do in our business, which has an art aspect to it. Every single thing that we do. Think of even Steve Jobs’ story in terms of studying typography and studying design in order to create something that’s different.

I agree with you. I agree with the idea that there are a lot of competent people out there, 100% brilliant and competent. When you add all of that business with art, you start to create something beautiful and meaningful forever. I love the partnership of all of it and the different mindsets that come together to create something or be part of a movement. It makes such a big difference in our world when we can all emotionally connect to the purpose of something.

[bctt tweet=”When you add art into business, you create something beautiful and meaningful forever.” via=”no”]

We’re talking with Angela Santomero, who is the author of a book called Life Clues: Unlocking the Lessons to an Exceptional Life. It’s a great book. I read it. If it’s okay, I want you to talk for a minute about adult self-care. When I talk to even young adults as I did in my group, and I’m going to be with twenty high school girls on a weekend retreat, we talk about self-care. It’s easy to talk about getting enough sleep, good nutrition, and exercise, like basic things, but sometimes there are other aspects that we forget about that are important parts of adult self-care.

It’s something we never do because we don’t want to talk about it. We don’t have time. We put ourselves last. Also, the idea that self-care is as simple as saying no to something or not running from thing to thing, but having a lazy day or whatever it’s called. There’s always this negative connotation to it, but it primes the pump, so to speak.

When you’re in the shower, that’s when sometimes you get great ideas and that’s for a reason. That’s because you’re relaxed and doing your thing. I feel like we don’t let ourselves do that. Everything has to be so purposeful and we have to be so busy. The best ideas, the best things, and our joy come from this idea that we are taking a minute over a cup of tea or taking a minute to have a pajama day or whatever the self-care is that it’s for you. You can take that little break and it doesn’t even have to be for long.

It doesn’t have to be so specific, like, “I’m not good at meditating. I can’t be mindful,” and it’s not that. It’s having that moment every single day for yourself. It could be 60 seconds and just being. It’s not selfish or all of the things that we think about in our heads, “There’s 1 million things I could be doing. Why am I sitting here?” It’s so important to our long-term mental and physical health.

One of the things you talk about in your book is that you want adults to consider what they loved and needed when they were a kid. Two of the things that they loved and needed when they were a kid were play and fun. You talk a lot about how adults don’t do that.

I know because it’s trivial. For whatever reason, we’re still thinking that going out and playing things doesn’t do anything. It’s so trivial. As soon as you see somebody running around barefoot in the grass or something dumb like that, it’s like you finally get to play when you’re on vacation. It’s like, “We’re going to do that for one week in a year.” That can’t be.

We all say that laughing is the best medicine, but the idea of big belly laughs can change everything. The play part of it, whatever we can do to relax and be in our bodies, be ourselves is so important. It could be structured or not structured. It could be something that you set up or you don’t, like playing a board game. It doesn’t have to be family game night. It’s like an impromptu play.

[bctt tweet=”Laughter is the best medicine, but the idea of big belly laughs can change everything.” via=”no”]

In our week-long summer camps, we schedule a lot of downtime because we feel like kids nowadays don’t get much downtime. For instance, something as simple as after dinner, dinner might be over at 5:30 or 6:00. We don’t schedule an evening activity until maybe 8:00 or 8:30, depending on what it is. There’s an hour and a half to two hours. At the beginning of the week, the kids are like, “What do you do? What do you want to do?” “I don’t know.” They are looking for the adults to tell them what to do.

You mentioned the word spontaneous. In our camp, one of our intentions usually before the camp week starts when we meet with our staff is lots of spontaneous fun because we have found after many years of doing camp that our best memories are most fun memories are things that were not planned. Things that popped up because we were hanging out or on a hike and all of a sudden, this cool thing emerged.

Also, I don’t think kids get bored anymore. None of us ever want to be bored. It’s the same thing. I’m like, “Really?” There is no such thing as being bored. That’s the moment when all the other stuff happens. Those are the spontaneous, fun, silly moments. I agree.

I’m going to make sure you have a chance to give people any information you want to give them about how to get ahold of you if you want them to get ahold of you. One more quick thing. If you had to leave our readers with maybe 1 or 2 of the most important things you’ve learned about working with and for children since you were babysitting when you were a kid, what would you offer? These are the things that, if I had to boil down to what I’ve learned about kids, are the most important.

Kids are brilliant. Asking kids their point of view or their opinion on something and waiting to hear what they have to say about it and attentive listening where you’re following up on what they’re saying to get more and to understand it and get more information is the best thing. Versus ready to say what you want to say or your experiences on something. It changed the course of my life to lean in and listen to kids.

It’s watching and observing the way kids do. Having us do that as adults. That comes to finding the clues in your life, finding what makes you happy, or finding what gives you the goosebumps. It’s having those moments to pause and to look around a little bit more in a way that’s intentional. It’s probably something simple that we all can do that we don’t necessarily do. That would be the most important.

[bctt tweet=”Observing how kids behave provides adults with clues on finding things that make you happy.” via=”no”]

Thank you. The book is called Life Clues: Unlocking the Lessons to an Exceptional Life. Sometimes when people hear what you said, they’re like, “That’s soft. That’s not life. That’s not reality. Our kids need to have a goal and all that.” We need to move beyond that narrative because it’s not healthy.

All of these things can be true. You can have a goal and you can also be intentional about enjoying it as you’re on the journey towards that goal. If not, you don’t know what you’re going to do with it once you get it.

Is there a way for people to get ahold of you, to check you out, or to look at other resources?

They can follow me on, on all social, Angela’s Clues, and also Life Clues in terms of finding the book everywhere the books are sold. I love to take questions and answer questions, so please, I would love for anybody to come in and let’s chat.

Thank you so much. I appreciate your time, expertise, and what you’ve done for children. It’s beautiful. You’ve done more than following Mr. Rogers’ footsteps. You’ve created your own path, which is awesome.

Thank you. Thank you for all the work you do. We appreciate it.

Thank you all so much for reading. I would strongly suggest you all read the book Life Clues: Unlocking the Lessons to an Exceptional Life. I’ll be back here with another episode, a different topic. I appreciate you all stopping by here. I will see you all back here.


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