How To Find A Fulfilling Career: Advice From A Career Coach, Courtney Page

Raising Daughters | Courtney Page | Fulfilling Career


Not every teenager knows what they want to pursue or what path they should forge ahead. That dilemma is common, which Dr. Tim Jordan wants to address today. In this episode, Courtney Page, a Career and Executive Coach, joins Dr. Jordan to help guide teenagers to find a fulfilling career that best suits them. She addresses the fear and uncertainty most kids face and how they can overcome them. To help everyone forge a brighter future with their career, Courtney also talks about developing personal awareness and confidence to know and put yourself out there. Our kids are the future and our tomorrow, and as parents, we always want what’s best for them. Join Courtney for more insights, and reach out to her if you want more of her guidance.

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How To Find A Fulfilling Career: Advice From A Career Coach, Courtney Page

I bring out a new episode every week and always a different topic. I did an episode where I interviewed a woman named Bobbi Chegwyn, who wrote a book that’s called The Post Nest Plan. I have to go back and find that. Part of the empty nest conversation we had was talking about how when the last kid leaves the nest, sometimes it puts people in a place of what’s next.

I get to thinking about how it’d be nice to talk about careers and how people find their careers. As you know from reading this show, I talk to lots of young people in high school, college, and beyond who are freaked out about finding their path, their calling, a job, and all that. I decided to invite a career coach to the show. Her name is Courtney Page. First of all, thank you for coming to the show. I appreciate it.

Thank you for having me. I’m so excited. I love the name of the show and the whole mission behind it.

I have a bunch of questions to ask you about this whole process. I want to talk somewhat in a minute about young people and what your coach would be around people who are 18, 20, and 22. Also, maybe moms and dads at any point in their life when it’s like, ”I’m tired of this. What’s next?” It could be at an empty nest, a midlife crisis, or any time when people get bored with their jobs. I decided to peak at some statistics about job dissatisfaction and it’s sobering. In one survey, 85% of employees worldwide admit to hating their job and they were surveyed anonymously. About 53% of Americans are unhappy at work, 60% reported being emotionally detached, and 19% are miserable. That’s not a very good track record.

I’m very aware.


Raising Daughters | Courtney Page | Fulfilling Career


Thus, we have you. Thank you for doing what you do. Tell us how you got to do this because you’ve had an interesting path.

I was an executive recruiter for a little bit over a decade. I’m not going to go all the way back but I did grow up with my dad in recruiting. He spent a long time in HR, as a Director of Staffing, and all over whether it was in a firm or corporate. When I was around high school age so probably freshman-sophomore year, he started his executive search firm. That was fun because he was working from home before anybody worked from home. I was in high school so you can imagine how excited I was to have my dad at home all the time.

It was cool because I got this front-row seat to what interviews are like at a very high level. He was always recruiting level-up directors or senior managers. Cut to when I graduated college, I ended up graduating in ’09, which if anybody’s familiar, was a horrible time to graduate. There were no jobs. I ended up getting a job at People Magazine of all places as a sales assistant. I hated it. I don’t like People Magazine.

On paper, it looked like it should have been such a fit for me. It was such a crazy transition from college to the real world from the suburbs of Boston to the middle of Manhattan, which was fine. I had been lucky enough to study abroad and everything but it didn’t fit for whatever unknowable reasons. Luckily, I was in this temp-to-perm situation.

I was thinking when I was prepping for this conversation with you that it’s funny because I went into that meeting with my boss’s boss. He was like, “You’re not happy here.” I was like, “I’m not.” He was like, “You’re 22. Go do something you like.” I was like, “Okay.” I left and started doing some work for my dad, which I had done in college. I had been doing his bookkeeping and stuff like that on winter break and all of that stuff. I told him what happened and he was like, “I’m busy. If you want to start doing some work for me, you don’t have to but if you want to, it would be great because I’m going to hire somebody anyway.”

At this point, 2010 wasn’t a great job market. I started working for him and it snowballed. I liked talking to people. I had always been interested in people’s careers and why people chose what they chose to do, the reasoning behind it, the pressures that went behind it, and how people ended up either being happy in a career or successful. If someone was lucky enough to have both of those, happiness and success, that was interesting to me.

I always had this unexplainable interest in careers and why people chose to do what they ended up doing. I worked for him for a long time. I ended up in the middle of having my two kids. I had started my executive search firm within the international development space because I had done some work there in college and wanted to get back to that. I ended up having my son and I was like, “I always wanted to do career coaching.”

I remember having a conversation with somebody back before coaching was a thing and before it became more mainstream. Now, people are more accepting of it. I was like, “I want to be a career coach. I want to help people figure out what they want to do or break through to the next level.” That person was like, “You’re not going to get any money doing that.” At the time, I was like, “That means I can’t do it.” I stayed in recruiting for a while longer. After I had my son, there’s something about having kids that crystallizes where you’re going to spend your time if you’re not with them. I was like, “That’s what I want to do.” Here we are.

Let me ask you first a broad-stroke question. In your experience, where are the people you work with most stuck when it comes to career counseling or what they need? Why are they so stuck there?

Most people don’t know what they want. It’s hard to create a roadmap for yourself when you’re not 100% sure where you’re going. That’s the main sticking point. A lot of people have more abstract ideas that they can’t dig their nails into. It’s hard for them to figure out where they’re going to go. The other one I see a lot is people who want to do something but they feel like they don’t have the qualifications or the skills because they’ve spent a lot of time in ex career with a great career but they’re not happy. They want to pivot over to something else but they feel like they’d have to go back to school and spend a lot of money. They have kids and whatever the other outlying factors are. Those are the two.


Raising Daughters | Courtney Page | Fulfilling Career


I wonder if you find that one of the biggest reasons why people may not know what they want to do is because they don’t know who they are. They don’t know themselves.

I would agree with that.

The last generation has been raising them to put their nose to the grindstone and get straight A’s. I talk all the time about this one path that they’re all jammed on. “I’ll get all A’s through school, go to a top college, get a great job, and make a lot of money.” That’s the path that kids have absorbed but it’s not a very fulfilling path for most people. Most people don’t necessarily fulfill or fit on that path and yet their whole life has been geared towards that. They also get plopped out when they’re 21 or 22. It’s like, “Now what? Who am I? What do I want?” They’ve never had time or permission to do that kind of thinking.

I hope it doesn’t anyway come from any negative space. Now that I am a parent, I can see myself almost doing it like, “I have to stop,” but parents want their kids to succeed and place these expectations on their kids to do well in school. If they see their child doing well in math, they push them towards that or whatever the subject is as opposed to letting that child decide, “I’m good at it but I don’t like it.”

You can be good at something and not like it. You cannot be good at something and like it. They’re not mutually exclusive. A lot of it has to do with parental pressures for better or worse and also external pressure, like what your peers and siblings are doing, what a coach or a teacher seasons you and then assigns you that talent or weakness even. It’s hard, especially as a teenager. I’m thinking back to when I was in high school. It’s such an impressionable age.

Most kids want to do well. They want to get the gold star and their parents to feel good about having them as their kids. I’m sure that they do. They don’t just realize that. I don’t want to say conditional love because that’s not what it is but it’s that conditional praise based on how well you do at school or a sport even if you’re coming from a very sports-based family. It can be hard to figure out what you are good at, want to do, and want to spend your time with. If you have something like that and you’re into something, it also doesn’t mean that it has to be your career. There’s so much to talk about there and head off with that.

Give me and our audience a couple of ideas about if you’re working with young adults who are 18, 20, 22, and 24, how do you get them to start to think for themselves? A lot of them have not done that in my experience their whole life, especially the girls. They do things to please people and not disappoint people and everybody else. There are stereotypes and cultural pressure. What are some practical things that parents can do with their sons or daughters to help them over that hump?

There’s one thing that I’ll have clients of any age do and it’s great. I don’t know if a coach did it for me and I was like, “That’s amazing.” It’s a great exercise. All you do is write down every single thing that you enjoy doing, a hobby, or a thing. It could be like, for example, I love big dogs. I always grew up with big dogs. I grew up horseback riding. I love horses. I love running, acting, yoga, and all of those things. You could do coffee if you’re into making cool coffee or whatever it is.

All of your interests, list them out. No holds barred. As silly as it might sound, write it out. Go back and write next to it where that interest came from. For example, I grew up horseback riding because my mom horseback rode. There was no other reason for me to have that introduction to the equestrian world but for her. Had she not done that, I don’t know if I would have ended up doing that.

I listed two things that always showed up. It had nothing to do with anybody that I grew up with or a parent. One was yoga. I’m a yoga teacher. There’s no reason for that. No one in my family did yoga. Nobody was interested in it. The only one-flight memory I have is my dad talking about the Dalai Lama at some point when I was a kid and I was like, “Who’s that?” The other one was acting. No one in my family was super interested in theater, acting, or performing in any way. It was something that I was pulled towards for no reason seemingly.

Those interests are the ones that you’re interested in. Not to get super wooed about it but almost like that’s where your soul wants to go. That’s your soul song. It’s the more you can tune into what you like to do because you like to do it as opposed to what you like to do because your dad and you like to do it together, which is also a wonderful thing to have hobbies with somebody else. If you’re focused on trying to figure out, “What do I want despite everybody else’s opinion,” that’s a great one to start with.

[bctt tweet=”Write down everything that you enjoy doing. Tune into what you want despite everyone’s opinion.” via=”no”]

Let’s go back to careers. If you are 17 or 18 and you’re going to graduate high school and go into college and you’re looking at what major you have to declare and all of that, first of all, you can wait to declare a major until you’re at least halfway through. Second of all, doing this exercise can help you. There may not be a program for a Bachelor’s in Yoga, however, look at why you like yoga. What is it about going there, going through that flow, and everything about it? The space that you’re in, the people you’re around, how you feel how you walk in, how you feel when you’re doing it, how you feel when you walk away, and how you talk about it to others?

All of those things will help crystallize why you’re interested in something as opposed to like, “I like it for no reason,” which is easy to do and dismiss. This is an example but there’s a lot of philosophy that goes into yoga. Maybe that’s what you’re interested in. Buddhist meditational or whatever it is, that’s philosophy and yoga. Maybe you end up taking a couple of philosophy classes and you’re interested in it.

Maybe it’s more the physical aspect like the anatomy around it and why the breath-to-body connection and the mind-body connection are so interesting to you. Maybe you go into something around Psychology and Psychiatric or Physical Therapy. There are so many offshoots of that but honing in on why you’re interested in something that you can’t pinpoint towards somebody else pushing you towards can be powerful.

I encourage this to parents all the time and my wife who gives talks and things. Even when kids are little, start asking why questions. If they come to you with a colored picture, instead of saying, “It’s so beautiful. I love your picture,” say, “What do you like about your picture?” If you see how happy they are playing soccer, say, “What do you like about soccer? What do you like about whatever you’re doing?” Even before they’re 18 or 20, they can start looking in and say, “Why do I like this?” I don’t think we do that enough.

It’s so funny you say that because I took my daughter ice skating when she was three and a half. I might have told you this. It was ice skating because we were watching Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck which is still a show, and I can’t believe it. Minnie Mouse and Daisy were ice skating in the show and she was like, “I want to go ice skating.” I was like, “Let’s go.” We went ice skating.

I have never seen her smile ear to ear from start to finish followed by a temper tantrum because she did not want to leave and get off the ice. I’m like, “This is so random.” We were on the ice and doing the little walker thing that you use so you don’t hit that faceplant. It was like, ”This is so fun. Are you having fun?” She was like, “I love it.” I’m like, “Why?” She’s like, “I feel like I’m flying.” I was like, “It’s so cute.” It can be that innocent.

Besides being cute, that’s her intrinsic motivation. She’s not doing it to please you or look good. She’s doing it because she gets this feeling inside of her. That’s the feeling we need to get kids to touch all on the way. I interviewed an author. Her first name is Angela Santomero. Are you watching the show Blue’s Clues?


She was the producer who created Blue’s Clues, and also the show Daniel The Tiger. She wrote a book called Life’s Clues and you’d probably like it. One thing she talked about was what you mentioned, your soul song. I believe this. I’ve been talking about this also, which is probably why I like what she said. She talks about how there are clues all along your path that either you’re awake to them or not. It’s those urges that we get. It doesn’t make sense why I like yoga or theater but I’m drawn to it. Those clues are always there if we teach kids to be aware of them.


Raising Daughters | Courtney Page | Fulfilling Career


Teaching them to be aware of them and not worrying about what people will think about them for liking them is something that stops a lot of curiosity and fear of being judged because of what they like or excel in, especially for girls if it’s something that isn’t so feminine or expected of a girl to enjoy, or boys if it’s something more feminine than masculine, they might not feel as compelled to go after it, or if it were something that is a little bit more socially acceptable for a boy or a girl to go into and something that parents have to be cognizant of not placing that social conditioning on their kids. We do that without realizing it. The thing that I keep thinking of for some reason is if your son is great at dancing and wants to go into ballet like Billy Elliot.

If you haven’t seen Billy Elliot, this is the perfect example of it. He ends up being this incredible ballet dancer. Whereas a girl would not have had that issue because it’s expected like, “Go to dance. Swirl around. You look pretty.” He had to fight to get into it. It’s the same with girls. Look at the women’s soccer team. They’re still getting paid nothing compared to the men because they’re women. There’s so much around that. As parents, teachers, coaches, or any kind of mentor position, keep an open eye out for kids and what they excel in regardless of their gender or whether or not they feel supported at home or school or by their peers.

Have you read a book called Dark Horse?


You would love it. The author is Todd Rose. Dark horses are people who end up doing a lot better than people thought for some reason and better than they expected. He studied all kinds of successful people and looked at their stories. It’s an interesting book. One of the things that he found with those successful people was that the cultural mantra is like you’re training your school and then you get in some job, put your nose to the grindstone, and climb the ladder. If you don’t like it and you’re not happy, it’s okay. Someday at the end of the line, you’ll be happy, make money, and all that.

That’s not how people who are dark horses did it. They started with things that fulfilled them. It may not have been something that they were great at but it didn’t matter. What they did was pursue something that they had a passion for. Even more so than a passion was, it fulfilled them and that’s what pushed them to keep going and overcome obstacles. I don’t think we give that enough credence in this culture either. People say, “Don’t follow your passion. That’s some airy-fairy thing.” It’s not.

What you’re alluding to is this follow your excitement. It’s something that excites you like you’re into animals like dogs. You can pull any example but anything that excites you, follow that feeling. It’s like a domino effect. The more you follow that feeling, the more you find little opportunities, people, and communities that align with your interests and what you’re put here to do.

There’s a great Steve Jobs quote, “You can’t connect the dots. You can only connect the dots looking backward not going forward.” It is like that. Let’s say you have two jobs and one seems more exciting to you. Even though it pays less or your family isn’t supportive of it, follow that excitement and go to it, and then see where that leads you. Keep following those little breadcrumbs. I guarantee you, when you look back, you’re happy and you’ll notice, “I had a lot of fun.”

All of this did weirdly make sense. All these random interests that I had were at play. They all have permeated into each other in a way that would only ever happen for you because they’re your interest and it’s your excitement as opposed to graduating and figuring out like, “What am I supposed to do?” You’re not supposed to do anything. You’re supposed to live a fulfilled, creative, and happy life. There’s no way to do that if you’re living for someone else’s approval in my opinion.

[bctt tweet=”No one knows what they’re supposed to do. You’re not supposed to do anything. You’re supposed to live a fulfilled life.” via=”no”]

As my audience probably can attest, the metaphor I use is connecting the dot drawing. When we look at those dots with the numbers, we start connecting dots. I tell young people, “Your job is not to know the final picture.” The culture says, “You should have a goal and go for it. You should know what that is.” I say, “No. You don’t need to know.” Click dots. The experiences across your path, you’re drawn to it.

Not because someday I want to but because at this point in my life, it feels like the right thing to do as my gut says. I tell them, “You’re going to have to trust that your life will evolve and someday, you’ll be able to look back and go, ‘It didn’t make sense at the time but now I can see how it all evolved whatever this is.’”

The more you train yourself to look for those things that excite you and that bring you those positive experiences and emotions, the more you rewire your brain to find them. The more you do it, the more likely you will be to find them. This whole notion that you can only connect the dots looking backward gets reworked. If you’re in tune with the things that are exciting to you and that you find interesting, you will be able to connect the dots going forward where it’s like, “I have this innate ability to find opportunities that are exciting anywhere I go because I primed my brain to find them. I’ve done it and I know that it’s possible.”

It’s like the four-minute mile. Once you see it happen, it’s possible. You allow yourself to almost start rewriting your future as you’re going. Once you get to a point where you can look back and be like, “This is all making sense in this weird zigzagging way,” you have way more faith in the future. The onboarding for this is to trust in your intuition and gut and know that if you do that, it will end up working out. It sounds super cliché but trust the process if you’re working for yourself and not for somebody else. I don’t mean working for yourself as an entrepreneur but in terms of happiness.

You were talking about intuition. How can they recognize when it’s time for a change?

Nobody knows if you have the Sunday Scaries. It’s if you are dreading work on Monday. Not because you are tired and you want to stay home and watch TV. It’s if you’re dreading the people that you see and the actual content that you have to do at work. If you’re like, “I cannot. I don’t want to go in,” and you’re slapping, that is good. That’s probably the first one I’d say that you got to look for something else.

Secondly, if you find yourself anxious about, “Why am I doing that?” It’s if you had that kind of question, which most people come to at some point like, “How am I going to do this for the next 15 to 20 years?” That usually happens mid-career. I have a little bit more faith in our younger generation coming in. If you have trouble picturing yourself doing whatever it is you’re doing for the next 15 or 20 years or longer, take a step back and see why. What is it that is causing that anxiety?

Try to figure out where it’s coming from. If it’s because of the people that you’re working with, the content, and the actual job, it might be time to look for a new career. If it’s the people but you like what you’re doing, that’s great. You know what you like to do. Maybe you just need to do it in a different organization.

Some of the parents reading this episode may not have been in the workforce for a while or have been in the workforce but haven’t applied for a job in a while because they’ve been doing something for 10 or 20 years. What do you tell people about what employers are looking for in applicants?

If you have been raising kids and you’re stepping back out into the workforce, do you? That’s amazing. Just do it. It’s like that old Nike thing. It took a gap of five years to raise a family. That’s great. There is a bit of not leeway but more grief than there used to be where it was difficult to break back. Have work connections at the same time as throwing a resume out there. Do all the normal things.

Get your LinkedIn going, even if you don’t have a job or haven’t had a “real job.” Write down what you were doing. What were you doing as a stay-at-home mom or dad? Write it out as if it were a job. There are statistics out there that a full-time mom is like two and a half full-time jobs, the amount of work that you’re doing, and the hours that you’re putting in. There’s no reason to poo-poo that and not acknowledge what you’ve been doing for the last several years.

Look for companies that understand that. Any company that has great family benefits. You can look this up but there are great companies for working parents or maternity leave and all of that. Those companies will probably be more empathetic to somebody who has raised kids and is looking to get back into the workforce. In terms of trying to figure out what it is you want to do coming back, if you have the financial room, test things out.

Start with volunteering somewhere and see if you even like it and then make those connections and then maybe look for a job in that area. You can take contract work. I was a recruiter for a long time. There are a lot of contracts recruiting jobs that you can try for a company. Sometimes they go perm and sometimes they don’t. There’s no need to make it this end-all-be-all like, “I need to get a full-time job. It has to be one that I like,” or whatever all of the things, especially if you’ve been out of the workforce for a while.

Dipping your toe in little ponds and testing it out is a good strategy at the end of the day. Not only are you extending your network, which you probably have not done in a while in terms of careers. It’s like an experiment, which is what life is. Go experiment. You’ve been with kids for the last several years, which is great but it’s hard. You’ve been worrying about other people other than yourself. You might not even know what you’re interests are anymore other than your kids, which is fine.

You described very nicely also being able to sit down with yourself and say, “Let me look at my life. What are the things that interested me? What are the things that I’m good at? What are the experiences I’ve had that felt fulfilling even if it wasn’t that job and it was just things?” People feel stuck. Some people call it your identity capital. What have you accrued? You’re not blind. You’re just picking something. “I have learned this about me over time. My motivation when I was twenty was about this kind of thing but now that I’m 30, 40, or 50, my motivations have changed.” That’s normal.

Exercise can be done at any time and age. You can do it when you’re 14 or 74. It doesn’t matter. It’s a great exercise to do to get to know yourself. Some journaling situations, whether it’s morning or evening, depending on you and your preference are great for unearthing, even if you’re not a writer. Writing a page a day will help clarify what you’re going and looking for, or maybe some things that are rumbling beneath the surface. As you go about your day, you push it to the side to give yourself 5 to 10 minutes of writing to see what comes up.

For me, that’s been super helpful throughout my entire life. Sometimes that objective perspective is very helpful. Take it with a grain of salt but if you’re stuck, you have done this exercise, and you’re like, “These are the things that I enjoy,” have somebody who you love and who has your best interest at heart. If you’re going back into the workforce, maybe it’s your spouse, best friend, or an older parent. You say, “What do you see when you see me light up? What am I doing? When was the last time you saw me light up?” It’s not like, “What do you think I’m good at?” They’ll send a laundry list and you’re like, “I can do this.”

A lot of the time, the response will surprise you. Take that and sprinkle that on top of all the other things and see where you land. There’s no wrong answer. Just because you get in a job, you can’t quit. You don’t have to stay in a job forever. If you’re having trouble finding a job, especially for something financial or you’re going to go crazy at home waiting for your kids to come home from college, reach out to a recruiter or career coach who can help and direct you on some things that we’ve been talking about.

I don’t work with 50-year-old people but I work with a lot of 18, 20, and 22-year-olds. They’re paralyzed with fear because of all the uncertainty that comes with what’s next. They’re like, “What if I make the wrong choice or a bad decision?” They don’t understand that it’s normal for there to be lots of uncertainty around transitions and what’s next. How do you help people get over that help so they start taking action and get going?

Not to be cliché but I love the Nike motto. It’s so good. Mel Robbins has a whole podcast at it. At some point, you have to do it. You’re not going to know if you like it or not unless you do it. It’s okay if you don’t like something. I graduated and got what looked like an amazing job. I hated it but I would never have known that if I didn’t do it. It taught me a lot of things.

It taught me that I had to figure out a way. I had insomnia a lot when I was a teenager. Going up and through college, I had a hard time falling asleep. When you have a hard time falling asleep and you have to wake up for a corporate job at 7:00 AM, it’s difficult to do that for five days a week. It taught me a lot of things about having to create routines for myself that would allow me to be able to perform in society and in that 9:00 to 5:00 job that most of the world abides by.

The anxiety is normal. That’s the biggest thing. If you’re going through that, chances are the person that you’re sitting next to in class is also going through that and it’s okay. Just because you have that anxiety, doesn’t mean that you’re not going to be successful. It’s okay. Let’s take a step back. Nobody goes through their career without making a mistake. No person has this wonderful A, B, C, to Z career that hasn’t had 1 hiccup or 2 along the way. You’re human. It’s going to happen. How boring would it be anyway if you go through this very monotonous career? You don’t want to do that either.

Look at life as an experiment. There’s no right or wrong in terms of what career you pick. If you don’t like it, you can always quit and do something else. If you’re in the job because you need the finances, which is let’s be real why most people take jobs, you can still start looking for a job while you’re in that position. You don’t have to find yourself in this desperate situation.

I don’t think anybody enjoys going to networking events. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Work connections with friends that you’ve had and friends of friends that you’ve had. If you’re going out to dinner with friends or playing pickleball, which is a thing, with friends, make one new contact every time you go out and see how that works. It’s a little bit more organic than going to a networking event and drinking crappy champagne or Chardonnay.

Turn to the person next to you in class. They probably also are going to the same thing. My wife and I are going to a local university. We’re going to sit in a circle with some college women and do some fun exercises to get them to connect. Start sharing, “What’s going on?” Talk about it because they all think they’re the only ones like, “I shouldn’t feel this way.” It needs to be normalized for them.

If you’re anxious about it and you’re like, “I don’t even know how to make a LinkedIn profile, how LinkedIn works, or what to write for this job application,” your friend is probably going through that same thing. Maybe get together and work on it together. It’s not such an isolating experience. Maybe come up with four people and on a Saturday when you don’t have classes, get together at the library. Everybody help each other out with your resumes. Utilize your career center at your school. That’s why they’re there. Most schools have one.

Don’t be afraid to talk about it because the more you talk about it, the more other people will talk about it. It’s a ripple effect. If anything, there’s no shame in the anxiety game. Everybody is going to experience it. Even down the line when you’re halfway through your career, people still get anxious about job interviews and starting a new job. There’s nothing more anxiety-provoking than the first day of a new job because you have no idea what you’re doing. You don’t know what the routine is. Everybody goes through that. It’s like the first day of school. It doesn’t go away.

It would be helpful for people to talk to someone like you, a career counselor, to help them with resumes, getting over their fears, what the next step is, step back, and look at themselves and their lives where their interests, aptitudes, and all those things are. A little bit of guidance in that way can go a long way. How can people get ahold of you if they want some career coaching?

You can go to my website, which is You can find me on Instagram. I have my personal account, which I’m in the process of making 2, 1 for my business and 1 for me, but you can find me on both. My Instagrams are @CourtneyAustinPage and @Resume.Careers. You can email me at You can find me on LinkedIn. I’m using TikTok to get to the young. I have two posts on TikTok. They’re good. That’s everywhere. LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and my website.

Talk about your podcast re:sume.

I started them both in tandem. I started my coaching firm and podcast at the same time. The podcast is interviews. I’m starting to do more solo episodes in 2024 but it’s talking about how people have maintained happiness in a career or how they have found a career that makes them happy. I interview people who are happy in their careers because there’s an epidemic of career depression. I don’t know why it’s so normalized. I want to show people that there are people out there who do enjoy their careers.

[bctt tweet=”There’s an epidemic of career depression. We need to show that some people enjoy their careers. We need to educate people in different types of careers and show them that they can be happy in that.” via=”no”]

Another thing is that some people don’t even know certain careers exist. You can create a career. There are so many different careers that you might not be aware of that might be the career for you. That’s what I’m trying to do with the podcast, educate people in different types of careers and show people that you can be happy in a career. My solo episodes are going through different trends that have come up. My first solo episode of 2024 was about mindfulness versus mindset and how that applies to careers.

You brought your yoga into it.

I’m trying to do that more, bringing in some yoga philosophy into it. There’s a need for it.

Your little puzzle, connect the dots, I love those dots. It makes lots of sense. Your podcast is called Resume the Podcast.

Resume the Podcast Courtney Page. It’s on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Thank you so much for your time and expertise. People who are in transition, whether they’re parents or young adults, if they’re looking for some help, you’re the perfect person to give them some guidance.

Thank you for having me on. You brought up some great questions. I enjoyed it. Thank you so much.

That was fun and interesting. If you’re in a career transition mode, I would suggest maybe getting a career coach like Courtney Page would be awesome. I’ll be back here in the next episode with a brand-new episode. Thanks so much for stopping by. If you know somebody in your life who is thinking about doing a job change or thinking about starting a career or you may have a young adult who is struggling with what’s next, this would be a great episode for them to read. Thanks so much for being here. I’ll see you next time.


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About Courtney Page

Raising Daughters | Courtney Page | Fulfilling CareerCourtney Page is a career and executive coach, podcast host and speaker. Her podcast is called “re:sume”.


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