I met an angel recently; no, really. She was disguised as a sweet, four-year-old girl who sat next to me at an outdoor theater production of The Little Mermaid. I actually saw lots of angels that evening, and the glow of their innocence really touched me.
Thousands of little and big girls had come out to watch this timeless musical, and many were decked out in mermaid costumes and dresses. You could feel a buzz of excitement and anticipation spreading through the crowd. Then a blond headed cherub, dressed in her Ariel dress replete with mermaid tail, sat beside me on her aunt’s lap. She was wrapped in a mermaid blanket on this chilly evening, but her spirit glowed brightly. She was SO excited as the opening score played, and immediately was swept up in the play.
I handed her my wife’s binoculars, and as she got a closer look at Ariel and the beautiful dancing fish, her mouth literally dropped open in wonder. I’ll never forget that look of total joy and awe on her face; an expression of pure bliss that we usually only see on the faces of innocent children. Throughout the play, I gave her the binoculars for more close-up viewing, and she was so grateful each time. I wish I could have taken a picture of her expression, but that look is burned deeply into my memory banks.
I wish that we could all retain that sense of wonder and the ability to see things in a new, magical light. It requires us to slow down and be fully engaged in the moment, a challenging proposition in this busy, distracting digital age. Our best teachers for this intention come in the package of little kids. I truly was touched by an angel that night. Spend more time with youngsters, follow their lead, and allow them to take you on a magical mystery tour.