Don’t Allow Fears to Ruin Your Children’s Childhood

Show Notes:

Parental fears have changed how we view childhood in a harmful way.

2 Fears driving parents today

2 fears are driving parents to push and micromanage their children:

The fear that their kids are going to fall behind their peers and not “keep up with the Jones’s kids”

The fear of how do I prepare my child for a future that is so much different than my experience

How fears affect parenting

As a result, parents fill kid’s schedule with enrichment classes, professional coaching, premier summer sports camps, test prep, and early specialization.

Parents also overfocus on achievement instead of character

How we view childhood has been changed, for the worse

All of this is telling us something about how we view childhood

Childhood is not a race or a contest where parents feel they must mold/ micromanage, motivate child to stay on course we set for them

Kids are missing out on knowing themselves and being distracted from what’s really important: getting to know yourself, self-exploration, reflection, contemplation, quiet time, self-awareness, social-emotional intelligence, try different things, take risks, develop self-efficacy, no time to just be!

What SHOULD childhood be about?

GS/HS should be about growing up, learning social-emotional intelligence  skills, autonomy to pursue interests, figure out what you like & aptitude, sample

· play for plays sake and love of the game

· learn for love of learning, service

· explore, adventures, challenge yourself

· make decisions based on what’s right for them vs keeping up with the Jones’ kids

The need to let kids be kids

Let kids be kids!  build their own story and make their unique mark on the world (Bobbi Brown story)

· Not allow your parenting to be guided by these fears

For strategies on how to combat this cultural pressure, read Dr. Jordan’s book, Keeping Your Family Grounded When You Are Flying By the Seat of Your Pants


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