Stan the Man and Abraham Lincoln

I am glad that Stan Musial’s funeral and his life have been headline news around here the past few days. I was getting sick of hearing about failed figures like Lance Armstrong and Manti Teo and others of that ilk.

We wonder sometimes about why kids get into mischief; why they are disrespectful, out of control and make so many mistakes in their dating and sex lives. I’d suggest look no further than the adults who grab national attention with their antics. We hear so much more about the T.O.’s and fallen politicians of this world and not enough about the Ozzie Smiths,  Stan Musials, Curt Warners, and Abraham Lincolns. Their lives of integrity get drowned out by the 24/7 coverage of shallow celebrities like Paris Hilton or her equivalents of the moment.

I don’t like to make athletes or movie stars or people in the public eye into heroes, or to romanticize them or give undue adulation. No one is perfect, and we don’t really know what public figures are all about. We just get the media versions of them.

But we can, as parents, point to public figures who seem to make a difference, and who try to do things the right way. Watching the new Abraham Lincoln movie and reading again about the life of Stan Musial fits that category in my book.

It sure beats another Oprah special.

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