Your Daughter Is Being Sexually Harassed at School

Show Notes:

Many girls are sexually harassed at school & feel helpless to stop it; here’s what parents & schools can do to stop it.

How girls are sexually harassed at school

Dr. Jordan describes what girls have shared with him in his counseling practice and at retreats and camps about sexual harassment at school: the extent of the problem, who’s most vulnerable, being ‘technologically groped’ by being pushed to send nude photos, how peers have become muted bystanders, and why girls feel so helpless to stop the harassment

Stats on sexual harassment & rape

Learn statistics and info on how the problem of on-campus rapes of women relates to this problem in middle and high school

What girls can do to handle & prevent sexual harassment

Dr. Jordan offers a guide on what girls can do to take care of themselves and address and prevent sexual harassment.

what parents can do to support their daughters

Learn what parents can do to support their daughters with this issue.

How schools can eliminate sexual harassment

Young people won’t take this problem seriously until the adults around them do, so Dr. Jordan offers some ideas about how we can change the system and the toxic environment at school to address and prevent further harassment. We need to focus more on changing the environment & system vs blame girls and give them all of the responsibility to change things.

Demand that her school have workshops where boys and girls can get together to discuss their point of view on this topic and make commitments to each other and make intention to stand up for each other vs voiceless bystander

Sex education should be more about relationship education, reading cues, and the concept of consent.

Talk about all of this now before or as her school year begins.

For more information about how to empower girls, you & your daughter can read Dr. Jordan’s book, She Leads: A Practical Guide for Raising Girls Who Advocate, Influence, and Lead


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