Turn off the TV and get out in nature and play! I know the temperature is starting to rise into the 90’s, and I can just feel people scrambling back inside to the comforts of their AC. And I say: “Get back outside!”
I have an advantage because I spend weeks at a time at camp where there is no air conditioning, allowing me to become accustomed to it. But the truth is that we’ve become much too spoiled with our amenities, and we miss out because of it. And children in particular.
Being in nature presents so many opportunities for creativity, initiative, and adventure. Kids also have more autonomy and freedom when they are out from under mom and dad’s constant surveillance. And that is a really good thing.
There is constant learning for kids no matter what they are doing outdoors; it’s a never-ending laboratory. Playing out in the street or woods with your buddies also requires you to solve your own conflicts, make your own decisions, and take care of your ‘boredom’; lessons, lessons, and more lessons.
Did I mention that there is way more fun outdoors than in front of your entertainment centers? Count on it. But don’t take my word for it; get outside and discover it for yourself!
I totally agree with all of your posts. I am so glad I am not alone in my thoughts about todays parenting styles. I truly believe that too many well meaning parents over micro manage their kids. Too sports oriented and free time isn’t spent allowing children create their own destiny day by day, being self motivated and creative. It could be we are parent’s of the 60’s and are worried we were allowed to be too free?